By Paul McManus, Primary Academic Manager

14 May 2021 - 18:00


Mat Wright

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Helping our learners to develop collaboration and team-work skills is a big part of our Primary Plus course. Children are really motivated by being able to communicate with others, especially when they are in an environment when the language of communication is not the child’s native language.

Being with classmates and teachers who are speaking a different language can make a child quite anxious. But in our safe and supportive environment they can work and communicate with others at their own level.

Although the teacher’s instruction and guidance are important, research by language development specialists shows that children really learn the most when they are working with other children. To complete activities they spontaneously use questions and respond to each other. They communicate to achieve a shared goal.

Our project based modular courses and lessons are structured around a variety of naturally engaging topics and activities provide children with the opportunity to continually communicate and work together with their classmates. That could mean planning an exhibition or designing a theme park. Every lesson is different. And each lesson helps the child develop more confidence and autonomy which will help them grow and develop. 

Obviously not every child develops and progresses in the same way but through the individualised support our highly qualified teachers provide at every step of the process your child will build confidence to try new things and think for themselves both of which are vitally important for success both now and in the future. 


Paul McManus

Primary Academic Manager

Hi, I'm Paul. I'm the Academic manager for primary which I really enjoy because I love embracing and inspiring the energy, motivation, imagination, and creativity younger learners bring to the classroom. I've been teaching primary aged learners for 12 years in 6 different countries and have taught learners from a vast array of cultures and backgrounds.