Connecting Classrooms is a global programme run by the British Council, in partnership with the UK’s Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO). It is designed to help young people develop the 21st Century skills they need to achieve their ambitions and goals for the future. 

Globally, the programme will build the capacity of 45,000 teachers and 12,000 school leaders worldwide to support them to integrate a range of core skills into the curriculum, with a focus on:

  • digital literacy 
  • critical thinking and problem solving 
  • creativity and imagination 
  • student leadership
  • collaboration and communication 
  • citizenship

With the support of the Ministry of Education of Myanmar, 100 government, monastic and ethnic schools in Bago Division, Mandalay Division, Mon State, Southern Shan State and Yangon Division have been selected to take part in the initial phase of the project. Teachers and principals are receiving training on how to effectively integrate core skills into their classrooms.  

Connecting Classrooms provides 

  • professional development for teachers and principals in over 30 countries, 
  • professional dialogue opportunities for policy makers that supports national and regional level debate, reflection and action; 
  • connections with schools all over the world through our schools online portal and
  • online access to high quality resources to support teachers in delivering improved learning outcomes for young people.

To find out more, visit our Connecting Classrooms website:

Even if you are not a selected school, your school is welcome to join our free schools online. In this website, teachers and principals can form partnerships with schools around the world, including the UK, and have access to all the materials and resources to learn about and teach the core skills.

The British Council was one of the first international organisations allowed to train staff in government schools. Under this programme, 200 teachers from a hundred governments, monastic and ethnic schools in southern, central and eastern parts of the country are being trained on how to integrate 21st century skills into the curriculum. Connecting Classrooms is run by the British Council in partnership with the UK's Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO)

Please see the feedback from some of the participants from Connecting Classrooms programme as below.

Daw Khaing Mon Chan, Basic Education High School , Paung Township

Before joining the Connecting Classrooms project, students learned everything by heart as is normal here. They did not have enough outside knowledge. Teachers only focused on finishing their curriculum in a rush by directly telling the students how to think and learn. 

I’ve found that my teaching method has become more effective and I feel more confident when I practise using critical thinking and problems solving skills that I have learned from Connecting Classrooms. During the training, I learned about critical thinking and problem solving skills and I found it useful to apply these in my classroom. Students do thinking together, communicate better, remember lessons more easily and become more helpful and friendly.

After the training, according to the critical thinking and problem solving course, I continue to think about constructing questions that relate to the lesson in teaching my students. Special thanks to all the Connecting Classroom trainers.

Daw Khin Hnaung Muu , No ( 2 ) Basic Education High School , South Okkalapa Township

Before joining the Connecting Classrooms project, I used to neglect the students’ own ideas and taught them to learn the lessons by heart. I assumed that I could be a well-qualified teacher if I was able to teach my students not to make any mistakes in the lessons and get full marks in their exams. I only focus on passing their exam with no attention on their thoughts and feelings.

During the Connecting Classrooms training, I was able to carry out ways to motivate students to raise questions related to particular lessons and to develop their creativity. I also made them consider and make notes of how topics are related to real, practical life.

After attending the training, I have found that my students participate actively in every activity. The relationship and understanding between teachers and students has also increased. Although it takes time to complete the lessons, students are able to learn the lessons with a linkage to practical life, so it is more effective learning and benefits us all. 

U Thein Aung, No. (2) Basic Education High School, Mudon Township

'Before attending the Connecting Classrooms training, I used to demonstrate lessons to students by using traditional teaching methods. I only focussed on completing the lessons on time rather than using more teaching aids and creative, innovative ideas to motivate students.

During the training, I felt glad to see and experience some teaching methods that I am using in my classes, but still found that there are some new things that I had to know. Teaching and learning is important for teachers as well as for students.

After the training, I shared the teaching methods that I have learnt with my colleagues. I also presented to them the lessons and teaching aids materials that can help to improve the creativity and thinking skills of the students. I integrated these in my weekly lessons in the classroom so that students became more interested and my teaching became more effective than before.