Initiated in 2014, the Visual Storytelling Workshops were a collaborative effort between the British Council in Myanmar, Human Dignity Film Institute and Huston school of Film and Digital Media, Northern Ireland, and received support from University of Michigan (USA) and Witness organization in 2016. 

Targeting human rights activists who make use of visual storytelling as their medium for awareness raising and advocacy, these workshops have supported young media and human rights professionals, former political prisoners, documentary filmmakers and magazine editors to further their skills and experience in video advocacy and human rights documentation, storytelling techniques, project drafting and pitch, shooting, editing and subtitling. 

The first three workshops took place in Yangon and one in Mandalay, to provide the opportunity for emerging filmmakers and engaged activists in Upper Myanmar. The outcome of these ten-day workshops was the production of short documentaries, addressing sensitive issues that impacted the participants’ communities. The three documentaries created in the workshop in Mandalay, can be viewed in the following links. 


A 3–minutes advocacy film on the struggle in daily life as a LGBT in Myanmar Society


A 3-minutes advocacy film on life of the school dropout.


A 3-minutes advocacy film on taking care of the elderly without abandoning them.

External links