
Matt Wright

Access our digital library from anywhere in Myanmar. As a member of the British Council Digital library, you will have world class resources at the tip of your fingers, from online study resources to popular eBooks and audiobooks.

And that’s not all: digital membership gives you access to magazines and newspapers, comics and graphics novels from around the world, learning resources to develop your skills and access to exclusive content from our partners in the UK.

Thousands of different resources from our British Council digital library  can be accessed from a single app “MyLoft’ seamlessly. If you would like to learn about “MyLoft” digital library application and digital resources, please check our video play list here

Members of our Digital Library have full access to all the following learning and entertainment resources. 

Magazines and newspapers

We have over 6,000 newspapers and magazines from across the globe, with publications for fans of current affairs, technology, business and finance and magazines for kids.

eBooks and audiobooks

Read or listen to over 2,500 books, from fiction to plays, non-fiction and self-development.  

Comics and graphic novels

Read more than 2,000 comics titles including Spider Man, Avengers, and X-Men, Transformers, G.I. Joe Star Trek, and Ghostbusters on your mobile phone, pc, tablets and laptops.

Training and self-development

Upskill yourself with unlimited access to thousands of short video tutorials covering more than 500 of today's most popular software applications, including Adobe CC, Microsoft, and more.

Perfect for students and early career professionals, it also offers trainings on various job skills and social media techniques.

Academic books

Ebook Central offers authoritative information and eBooks from trusted publishers in all academic subject areas along with powerful research tools.

Film and TV

Watch thousands of critically acclaimed movies and tv shows plus an exclusive collection of children’s movies and story-telling and rhyme-times.

Membership Fee

Digital Library

  • MMK 50,000 per year (for new members)
  • MMK 40,000 per year (for renewing members)

Library Plus

Please register for Library Plus membership if you would like to access the library in Yangon and Mandalay as well as a digital library.

For new members

  • MMK 80,000 per year in Yangon
  • MMK 55,000 per year in Mandalay

For renewing members

  • MMK 65,000 per year in Yangon
  • MMK 45,000 per year in Mandalay

Payment Guides

If you would like to pay the membership fee by AYA bank transfer or AYA Mobile Banking Bill Payment, please check the following files.